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 اختبار الفصل الثالث في مادة اللغة الانجليزية السنة الثانية متوسط الموضوع 5


Two years ago, I tried to practise judo. I was not very fit at that time and I could not do the exercises. The trainer told me to go on a diet for a month. He asked the other trainees to help me. I followed the diet hard but after some weeks, I could run fast and could do exercises well. Last week, I won my brown belt. I played nicely.


Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 08 Pts)

A) Answer the questions ( 03 Pts)

1- How long did you try " the judo"?

2- What did the trainer tell you?

3- Did you win the brown belt?

B) Choose the right answer ( 03 Pts )

You tried to practise ( the swimming – the judo – the skiing ).

You could run ( fast – slow – nicely ) after a week.

You won ( the white – the black – the brown ) belt.

C) Match words with definitions ( 02 Pts )

fit a special food to lose weight

diet in good health

trainer a Japanese sport

judo a person who trains

Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 06 Pts)

A) Add a word to each list ( 02 Pts )

1- a day – a week – a year – ……………………

2- practise – helped – played – …………………

3- well – fast – nicely – …………………………

4- teacher – builder – player – …………………

B) Complete this table ( 02 Pts )











C) Change into passive voice ( 02 Pts )

Pedro practises judo

Fleming discovered a vaccine

PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts)

Complete with: bicycle / saw / rapidly / badly / fast / quickly

I …………. an accident, yesterday. A car was going …………. . It ran into a young man's …………. . The young man was hurt …………. . Some people came …………. to help. The ambulance arrived …………. and took him to hospital.

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