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في تصنيف السنة الرابعة متوسط بواسطة
تعبير بالانجليزي عن حدث سعيد

رجـــــــــــاء : رجاءا من كل الإخوة والأخوات الكرام الذين استفادو من هذه المعلومات وبقليل من الجهد ترك تعليق أو مشاركة الموضوع عبر احدى الأزرار الثلاثة twitter أو facebook أو +google ولكم جزيل الشكر

1 إجابة واحدة

A story or event that has marked your life

 I will remember for a long time this Saturday in October ... We went on an adventure. On our bikes, we drove to the mountain. We crossed a forest, then we arrived at the edge of a golf course. We picked up some balls. As we returned to the woods, I saw a yellow ball spinning like an arrow. I absolutely wanted this ball. While I was running at full speed to catch him. My friends shouted: "You will not have it! Warning!? but I continued the test of speed without suspicion, so that I fell in a pond. I received applause and compliments: "Bravo, champion! Beautiful triathlon

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