4english tests10

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4english tests10

Students are different from one country to an other but they have one thing in common : They all hate exams .

    Students are generally afraid of getting bad marks because they don’t want to fail .It is difficult for a candidate to concentrate on an exam when he is tense or nervous .He won’t succeed if he is very anxious .

    In order to help him face exams , psychologists and teachers suggest to the student to have a good night’s sleep and to be as relaxed as possible while working through questions

Part one: 4pts.

   Section one :  Reading Comprehension : ( 8 pts )

                            A – Answer the following questions :

    1- Do pupils like exams ?

          2- Why are they afraid of getting bad marks  ?

         3- How do they feel during an examination ?

                            B – Choose the correct answer .

     1- Students hate :                            a)- exams            b) – tests              c) – teachers

     2- Teachers suggest to be  :            a)- tense              b)- relaxed           c)-anxious

     3- Students are afraid of getting :   a)- bad clothes   b)- good marks     c)- bad marks

                            C –  Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to :

                               dislike = …………….           pupil = ………….

                                – Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to :

                               the same ≠  ………..         succeed ≠  …………..

    SECTION TWO : Mastery of language :     ( 6 pts )

                            A- Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets  :

          The BEF ( be ) …….. an official examination which ( take ) ……….. place at the end of the school year . It includes all the subjects that pupils ( learn ) …………

for two years . Now , the pupils (prepare) ……….……. themselves for the next one which they (face) ………..…. in June , 2006 . If they work hard , they (succeed)………….    .

                          B- Complete these sayings with the right adjectives  .

 a- As ……………….  as blood .

 b- As …………..….  as a baby .

 c- As ……………….as a church mouse .

 Part two: Situation of integration

                       –Complete the dialogue . ( 6 pts )

A : …………………………………………..?    B : Yes , I have passed my BEF .

B : …………………………………………. ?    B : He has offered me a computer .

A : …………………………………………. ?   B : It is a machine that stores information .

A :Wow , you’re lucky .

                                                                                                                                                                        We wish you success

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