اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط N7

اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط N7


Dear Mary,

I was very sad to hear about father’s death. Please accept my deep sympathy. I only met him in a short time, but he was not boring. He was very sweet and I remember him as a helpful and generous person. He helped me a lot. I couldn’t come for the funeral. I hope to ask me for any help you need. Please do.



PART ONE: ( 14 pts )

Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 08 pts )

A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 03 Pts)

  1. Is the letter a sympathy or an apology one ?

  2. How was Mary’s father ?

  3. Did Katrina meet Mary’s father ?

B ) Are these statements true or false ? Correct the wrong ones. ( 03 pts )

  1. Mary’s father was selfish and boring .

  2. Katrina was sad about the death of Mary’s father .

  3. Katrina came for the funeral .

C ) Lexis :

1- Classify these adjectives in the right column. ( 02 pts )

generous – boring – sweet – helpful



Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 06 Pts )

A ) Add a word to the following lists. ( 02 pts )

  • sad – bad – nice – ……

  • was – found – went – …….

  • arrived – died – played – ……

  • generous – naughty – sweet – ………

B ) Order these words to get correct sentences. ( 02 pts )

    1. help / I / ? / please / May / you /

    2. a lot / you / . / thank /

C ) Put in : ( and – but ). ( 02 pts )

  1. My father is cheerful ………….he doesn’t like songs.

  2. Your friend is generous ………….fabulous.

  3. Sally is intelligent ……….selfish.

  4. You are lazy ………..stupid.

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