موقع شريعة التعليمي

اختبار الفصل الأول في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 10

اختبار الفصل الأول في اللغة النجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 10


Form : 4 MS

Duration : 1H 30 mn

First Term English Exam


My birthday will be next Thursday, I will invite all my friends for the party, Iam sure they will all come, won’t they ? Mother will make a delicious cake. Its recipe is very easy. She will take 400 grams of flour, 4 eggs , 1 litre of milk, some water, 80 grams of butter, some sugar and a little oil.

First , she will mix the flour, eggs, milk, and butter , she’ll put a little oil in the pan and heat it. Nest, she’ll pour the mixture in the pan a d cook for 45 seconds. She’ll toss the cake once and let it for 40 seconds. It will be served with a little sugar an lemon juice.

Questions :

Part one:

A)- Reading comprehension

Activity one: write true or false. Correct the wrong sentence (3 pts)

  1. My birthday party will be next Tuesday.

  2. Mother will pour the mixture in a plate.

  3. She’ll serve with a little sugar and lemon juice.

Activity two: Read the text carefully then answer these questions (2 pts)

  1. How many paragraphs are there in the text ?

  2. In which paragraphs is it mentioned that the recipe is easy to make.

Activity three : Lexis

Match each word with its opposite (2 pts)

Sure last

Next Not certain

Delicious Much

A little Not tasty

B)- Mastery of the language (7 pts)

Activity one: Cross out (X) the silent letter in each word (2 pts).

Party / could / night / listen

Activity two: what does each sentence express? put a cross in the right box (3 pts)




1- Could you help me?

2- We may study during the holidays

3- May I ask you a question?

Activity three : Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final “ed” (2 pts)

Helped / worked / ended / prepared

/ t /

/ d /

/ id /

Part two: written expression (6 pts)

Use the following notes to write instructions on how to make tea. Start with a tag question, use the imperative and sequencers

Nouns = tea / mint / water / pot /glass

Verbs = rinse / boil / put / pour / serve

Good luck