موقع شريعة التعليمي

الاختبار الاول في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط نمودج 11

الاختبار الاول في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط  نمودج 11


Dear Jack ,

Sorry I was not able to attend your party last Sunday. I was quite ready to come and just about to leave when a friend of mine from Algeria on her way to America dropped in. She wanted to spend the night at home. The next morning, she left. This was why I couldn’t come, could I ?

Of course, I tried to call, but I couldn’t get through .Your number was engaged. I hope you will understand. I know you needed my CD player, but I am sure you all had a good time .

                                                                              Love ,



Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)


 A) Read the text carefully and answer these questions : ( 03 Pts)

    1) Could Jill attend Jack’s party ?

    2) Where is Jill ‘ s friend from ?

    3) Where did she travel ?


 B) Write ” true ” or ” false ” .Correct the wrong statement : ( 02 Pts )

    1) The text is a dialogue .    …………………….

    2) Jill is the receiver and Jack the sender .     ……………………


  1. Lexis :

  1. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following : ( 01 Pt )

         To phone =…………………                       I wish = I  ………………..

  1. Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following : ( 01 Pt )

     Bad ≠ ………………………                      next ≠ ………………………


Section Two : Mastery of Language ( 7 pts ) .

What do these sentences express ? ability  ?  inability  or permission ?

 1) Jack couldn’t come to the party .         ( ………………………………………. )

 2) Can I dance with you ?            (…………………………………….. )

 3) Jill can sing and dance .           (……………………………………. )

B) Reorder these words alphabetically:

attend                Algeria                   about                    able

1)……………………  2) …………………… 3)…………………… 4)……………………