موقع شريعة التعليمي

اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثانية متوسط N12

اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثانية متوسط N12


Ali: What are you doing, Yacine?

Yacine: I am reading a short story.

Ali: What is it about?

Yacine: it is about Djeha.

Ali: Is it good?

Yacine: Yes, it is very interesting.

Ali: Could you say it in Arabic?

Yacine: Yes, I could. I will start.


Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)

A) Answer the following questions ( 03 Pts)

1- Who is reading a story?

2- Is it an interesting one?

3- Could Yacine say it in Arabic.

B) Are these sentences True or False? ( 03 Pts )

1- Ali is reading a short story. 2- The story is interesting. 3- Yacine could speak Arabic.

C) Find in the text words that are opposite to: ( 01 Pts )

long ≠ ……………………………… finish ≠ ………………………….

Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts)

A) Reorder the words alphabetically ( 02 Pts )

eat / exam / easy / early

B) Find the plurals ( 03 Pts )















C) Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final “S” ( 02 Pts )

talks / reads / stories / books

/ S /

/ Z /

/ IZ /

PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts)

Reorder the words to get correct sentences

1- English / ? / you / Can / speak

2- Ali / date / . / write / Could / the

3- comic / Djeha / a / star / . / is /