اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط N11

اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط N11

Level : 3 am Duration : 1:30

The Second English Exam


Many tourists visit Algeria every year . They come from different parts of the world . Most of them prefer to visit the sahara , some of them are attracted by the Tassili . This vast and arid region is situated in the south East of Algerian Sahara . It is borded by Libya , Niger and Mali .

The people , who have already visited this region , say that it is one of the most fascinating places . They are surprised by the carvings , the drawing and the painting on the walls in caves , They present the early people’s civilization .

Section One : Reading / Comprehension ( 7 pts )

Activity one : read the text carefully then answer the questions ( 3 pts )

1/ What do the tourists prefer to visit ?

2/ Where is Tassili situated ?

3/ Is Tassili a beautiful place ?

Activity two : read the text again and say true / false ( 2 pts )

1/ Tassili is a small place

2/ The tourists are surprised by the fauna of the region

Activity three : A) find in the text words that are synonym of ( 1 pt )

Colossal = …………….. / located = ………………….

B) find in the text words that are opposite of ( 1 pt )

The same ≠ …………….. / last ≠ …………………

Section Two : Mastery of language (7 pts )

Activity one : ( 3 pts ) : write the verbs in the right tense and complete the sentences with :since / for

1/ Bob and his family ( not / to visit ) Algeria ………….last year .

2/ Father ( to be ) abroad ………….4 month .

Activity two :mention the silent letter in the following words ( 2 pts )

Part – who – wrong – know

Activity three : complete ( 2 pts )











Section three :Written expretion (6 pts )

You have planned a visit to Batna with some of your friends . Write a short paragraph of 6 to 7 lines about What you will do there . Use these notes : take photos , visit Timgad , go to theatre………….

Good luck: Your teacher

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