موقع شريعة التعليمي

اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثانية ثانوي شعب ادبية

اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثانية ثانوي شعب ادبية

الاختبار الثاني  في مادة الانجليزية ، المستوى : 2 آف

PART ONE:  READING    (15pts)

A/ Comprehension   (07pts)        Read the text carefully then do the activities.

    Most human beings seem to be quite unaware that the small blue planet on which we live is very fragile . Despite warnings , we continue to inflict irreversible damage on it .

    The atmosphere , our water resources , the soil , even our food , is all contaminated largely as a result of our own actions. We create deserts and create floods by destroying our forests . Our  homes and workplaces are polluted by tobacco we smoke , by harmful particles from the materials  we use and the emanation toxic gases. We can no longer afford to ignore the warnings we are  given by our scientists . If we don’t want to condemn our children to a life of peril , it is time for us to reflect upon the consequences of our daily actions .

    Once , the atmosphere was pure . Now the quantity of polluting  gases emitted into the  atmosphere exceeds nature’s capacity to absorb them . The equilibrium is broken and we are  threatened by and ever lengthening list of perils : the green house  effect , the gap in the ozone layer , climatic change , a rise in the sea level .

                                                                                                               By France Bequette .

                                                                                                   The UNESCO Courrier , March 1989 .

SECTION ONE  : Reading & interpreting   (15 pts )  

1-  Chose  the best title for the text : a – Our  red  planet   b – Our blue planet   c – Our white planet .

2-  The  text is an extract from :       a – a magazine                    b – a novel                 a – a book .

3-  Say whether these statements are true or false .

    a – People are interested in protecting the environment ………………..

    b – The atmosphere is no more clean . ………………..

    c – Climatic changes are caused by water pollution . ………………..

    d – The destruction of the environment is due to man’s carelessness . ………………..

4-  Answer the following questions according the text.

  1. Are most human beings aware that earth is very fragile ?


  1. According to the author , what should we do to protect our planet ?


  1. Find in the text sentences or expressions that show that pollution is caused by man .


5 –  What do these words refer to in the text?   (1pt)

        a- it…. (§ 1) ……………………

        b- … them.(§ 3) …………………….

6 – Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following.

         Conscious (§1)              –             cleaned (§2)             –               reject (§3)

7 – Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

   Carbon dioxide ( absorb/………………… ) by trees . Oxygen then  ( release/………………. ) into the air  and  ( breath/……………………. )  by all human beings .

8 –  Rewrite sentence ‘B’ so that it means the same as ‘A’ :

  1.  A : We create deserts and floods .

         B :  Deserts and floods ……………………………………………..………………..….

  1.  A : Water mustn’t be wasted .

         B : We …………………………………………………………………….……………

  1.  A : Nuclear weapons have been used twice by the U.S.A .

         B : The U.S.A …………………………………….…………………………………….

    11 – Mark the intonation on the words in bold  with appropriate arrows  (          or          )

Water is essential to people  in many ways . We need water for cooking , bathing , transportation and  recreation .

    12 – Fill in the gaps using the words provided :   environment    –    together     –     science     –     living

       Ecology is the …………………….. of  how ……………..….. creatures and plants  exist …………….. and depend of each other and on a local  …………….  .

SECTION TWO : Written expression  ( 05 pts ) Choose  ONE   of  the  following  topics .

Either topic one : “ Water is life “ ,write a paragraph in which you suggest some measures  to conserve this resource . The following notes will help you  :

  – Building dams . – water purification . – Dig wells . – Organizing campaigns .

Or topic  Two :  The Amazon rainforest is considered  as the lung of the Earth .

– Imagine that you are a journalist . Write an article  in which you address a message to people about how to conserve this resource . Use the passive with modals .
