اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثانية ثانوي شعب ادبية

إختبارات و فروض

اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثانية ثانوي شعب ادبية

الاختبار الثاني  في مادة الانجليزية ، المستوى : 2 آف

PART ONE:  READING    (15pts)

A/ Comprehension   (07pts)        Read the text carefully then do the activities.

    Most human beings seem to be quite unaware that the small blue planet on which we live is very fragile . Despite warnings , we continue to inflict irreversible damage on it .

    The atmosphere , our water resources , the soil , even our food , is all contaminated largely as a result of our own actions. We create deserts and create floods by destroying our forests . Our  homes and workplaces are polluted by tobacco we smoke , by harmful particles from the materials  we use and the emanation toxic gases. We can no longer afford to ignore the warnings we are  given by our scientists . If we don’t want to condemn our children to a life of peril , it is time for us to reflect upon the consequences of our daily actions .

    Once , the atmosphere was pure . Now the quantity of polluting  gases emitted into the  atmosphere exceeds nature’s capacity to absorb them . The equilibrium is broken and we are  threatened by and ever lengthening list of perils : the green house  effect , the gap in the ozone layer , climatic change , a rise in the sea level .

                                                                                                               By France Bequette .

                                                                                                   The UNESCO Courrier , March 1989 .

SECTION ONE  : Reading & interpreting   (15 pts )  

1-  Chose  the best title for the text : a – Our  red  planet   b – Our blue planet   c – Our white planet .

2-  The  text is an extract from :       a – a magazine                    b – a novel                 a – a book .

3-  Say whether these statements are true or false .

    a – People are interested in protecting the environment ………………..

    b – The atmosphere is no more clean . ………………..

    c – Climatic changes are caused by water pollution . ………………..

    d – The destruction of the environment is due to man’s carelessness . ………………..

4-  Answer the following questions according the text.

  1. Are most human beings aware that earth is very fragile ?


  1. According to the author , what should we do to protect our planet ?


  1. Find in the text sentences or expressions that show that pollution is caused by man .


5 –  What do these words refer to in the text?   (1pt)

        a- it…. (§ 1) ……………………

        b- … them.(§ 3) …………………….

6 – Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following.

         Conscious (§1)              –             cleaned (§2)             –               reject (§3)

7 – Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

   Carbon dioxide ( absorb/………………… ) by trees . Oxygen then  ( release/………………. ) into the air  and  ( breath/……………………. )  by all human beings .

8 –  Rewrite sentence ‘B’ so that it means the same as ‘A’ :

  1.  A : We create deserts and floods .

         B :  Deserts and floods ……………………………………………..………………..….

  1.  A : Water mustn’t be wasted .

         B : We …………………………………………………………………….……………

  1.  A : Nuclear weapons have been used twice by the U.S.A .

         B : The U.S.A …………………………………….…………………………………….

    11 – Mark the intonation on the words in bold  with appropriate arrows  (          or          )

Water is essential to people  in many ways . We need water for cooking , bathing , transportation and  recreation .

    12 – Fill in the gaps using the words provided :   environment    –    together     –     science     –     living

       Ecology is the …………………….. of  how ……………..….. creatures and plants  exist …………….. and depend of each other and on a local  …………….  .

SECTION TWO : Written expression  ( 05 pts ) Choose  ONE   of  the  following  topics .

Either topic one : “ Water is life “ ,write a paragraph in which you suggest some measures  to conserve this resource . The following notes will help you  :

  – Building dams . – water purification . – Dig wells . – Organizing campaigns .

Or topic  Two :  The Amazon rainforest is considered  as the lung of the Earth .

– Imagine that you are a journalist . Write an article  in which you address a message to people about how to conserve this resource . Use the passive with modals .


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