اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية السنة الثانية متوسط الموضوع 2

اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية السنة الثانية متوسط الموضوع 2


Level: 2AM……… Full Name:…………………………………………

The Second English Exam

Grains, fruit and vegetables, meat and other proteins, dairy, fat and sugar compose the five food groups. In a healthy diet, each group plays an important role. To keep in good health, people must consume a lot of grains, fruit and vegetables. They mustn’t eat too much dairy, meat and other proteins, and they must avoid too much fat and sugar.

Part One: A- Reading Comprehension:

A- Read the text carefully and answer the following questions ( 05 Pts)

1-What are the five food groups?………………………………..


2-What does each group play in a healthy diet?


3- What must people consume to have a good health?……………………


B- Find in the text words that are opposite to the following ( 01 Pts )

Unhealthy ≠ ……………….……. bad ≠ ………………………..

B- Mastery of Language:

1)- Complete the following table ( 04 Pts )







2)-Write the sentences with another form : ( 06 Pts )

1- She is going to travel to America……………………………………………………………………


2- Is he going to play chess ?…………………………………………………………………………………..


3- They are not going to stay out……………………………………………………………………….


PART TWO: Integration Phase (4 pts)

Classify the following words according to the table:

Obesity –flu –cold- high blood pressure –cancer –AIDS-fever – cough

Common illnesses

Serious illnesses


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