موقع شريعة التعليمي

اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية لسنة الأولى متوسط الموضوع 5

اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية لسنة الأولى متوسط الموضوع 5


level: 1AM

Time: 1 hour

The second term exam of English


Jane is in Algeria. She is having a good time. Now she is having breakfast. She is visiting the Casbah at 9:00 am. She is taking photos and buying souvenirs there. She is having lunch at 01:00 pm. She is writing a letter in the afternoon.

Activity one:

a/ Read the text and say: ”true” or ”false”

  1. Jane is in London.

  2. She is having a good time.

  3. She is writing a letter in the afternoon.

b/ Answer these questions:

  1. What is Jane doing now?


  1. What time is she visiting the Casbah?


Activity two:

a/ Put in: are / is.

b/ Cross the odd word:

Activity three:

Write the time in numbers

Activity four:

Reorder the dialogue:

A: What is he doing?

B: My father is.

A: Who is taking photos?

B: Yes ,she is.

A: Is she washing the clothes?

B: He is painting.

A: …………………………………..

B: ……………………….…………..

A: ……………………..…………….

B: ………………………..…………

A: …………………………………..

B: …………………………………..

تصحيح اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية لسنة الأولى متوسط