موقع شريعة التعليمي

اختبار الفصل الثاني في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 10

اختبار الفصل الثاني في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 10

 My Friend’s Dream

Karim, who is my friend dreams of being a very rich man in the future, and he doesn’t mind studying. When I asked him, he said: “If I pass my BEM exam, I’ll go to the secondary school and study for three years there. Then, if I succeed in the BAC exam which I suspect, I’ll study geography because I love it. As soon as I get my diploma, I’ll work as a teacher. But if I fail, I’ll work with my uncle who has a big factory. When I make enough money, I’ll travel all over the world and visit many places. After coming back, I’ll buy a nice house and start a family”. “Oh my god! I did it again! The teacher comes and I forget my homework. Do you think I will do all this?

Part one

Section one: Reading comprehension : ( 07 Pts )

  1. Read the text carefully then answer the questions: (03 pts)

    1. What will Karim do first, if he passes his BEM exam?

    2. Will he study at the university when he fails in the BAC exam?

    3. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?

  2. Read the text carefully then say: True or False (01 pts)

    1. Karim wants to be rich. ________

    2. He doesn’t like studying. ________

  3. 1-The expression “My god, I did it again!” express: (01 pt)

  1. happiness b) dissatisfaction c) sadness

2- Find in the text the synonyms of the followings: (01 pt)

succeed = ……………………….. good = …………………………….

3- Find in the text the antonyms of the followings: (01 pt)

remember ≠ …………………… sell ≠ …………………………….

Section two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts )

  1. Make sentences with the following words (03 pts)

    1. Karim / go / he / to / university / will / the / year / next / . /

    2. He / good / make / friends / will / there / . /

    3. He / a new car / in France / buy / will / ? /

  1. Supply punctuation and capitalization where necessary: (02 pts)

as soon as tom arrives he will call me

  1. Add a suitable suffix to these words:(02 pts)


Nouns of occupations

  • music

  • write

  • sculpt

  • art

Part two: Integration Phase ( Written Expression) (06 pts)

You are a 4 AM pupil and you will take your B.E.M exams next June. Write a short paragraph in which you tell us about your future plans.