اختبار الفصل الثاني في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 9

اختبار الفصل الثاني في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 9


Text: An Excursion.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We’ll begin today’s excursion with a visit to ”Wouroud” Complex. It’ll take us 25 minutes by coach to get there. It’s nine kilometers north of El-Oued, just after Kouinine on the right side of the road. I hope we’ll leave at 9:30. When we get there, we’ll split in two groups. Group 1 will follow the local guide into the complex. Group 2 will remain with me. We’ll take a walk around the industrial area. We’ll have a splendid view of palm groves to the east. As soon as the first group is out, we’ll be inside. The two groups will get together for lunch in the local cafeteria. We’ll stay there until 13:00, then we’ll set out for Taghzout which will be our next stop. It’s alright now.


Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)

1) Answer these questions: ( 03 Pts )

– Where is ” Wouroud ” complex situated ?

– How long will it take to get there?

– What is the next stop?

2) Write : True / False: ( 02 Pts )

– We will leave ”Wouroud” complex after one o’clock. ………………….

– ”Wouroud ” is just after El- Oued. …………………

– Lunch will be in any cafeteria . …………………

3) Lexis: Start =……………….. Bus =……………………..

West ………………. Out ………………………

Section Two: Mastery of language: ( 07 Pts )

A) Complete the tag questions: ( 03 Pts )

* Tourists will go by coach, won’t they ?

* The guide will show them the complex, ……… …….?

* The coach is not late , …… ………?

* All of them love the Sahara, ………….?

B) Use: so / neither : ( 02 Pts )

eg: * He likes traveling . So do we. *He doesn’t like ski. Neither do we .

* We don’t like swimming. ………………………….she.

* You can play music. ……………………………they.

* Ali visited France. ……………………………I.

Part two: Integration Phase( Written Expression )( 06 pts)

Re-order the following sentences and write a coherent paragraph :

a – After lunch , they took photos .

b – First , they visited the factory and its additions

c – Tourists left El-Oued at 9:30 .

d – Then , have a walk in a palm grove.

e – Finally , they set out for Taghzout .

f – They arrived at the complex at 9:55 .

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