موقع شريعة التعليمي

اختبار الفصل الثاني في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 7

اختبار الفصل الثاني في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 7


 The United States

The United States has 50 states. The most famous state is that of California. Its area is 411,100 km². Its capital is Sacramento. It is situated in the west bordering the state of Oregon to the north, those of Nevada and Arizona to the east, Mexico to the south and the Pacific Ocean to the west.

California is the most populous state in the united states. It has got 30 million inhabitants. San Diego, San José and Santa Barbara are the best cities there.

It is famous for its cinema city Holly Wood, Silicon Valley and its tallest trees in the world, the Sequoia.

Part one

Section one: Reading comprehension : ( 07 Pts )

  1. Read the text carefully then answer these questions: (02 pts)

  1. Which is the most populous state in the USA?

  2. Where is it situated?

  1. Read the text carefully then say: True or False (03 pts)

    1. The united states has fifty states. _________

    2. California is more populous than Oregon. ________

    3. California is situated in northern America. ________

  1. 1- Find in the text synonyms to the followings: (01 pt)

Well known = …………………………………. located = ……………………………………..

2- Find in the text antonyms to the followings: (01 pt)

worst ………………………….…….. shortest ≠ …………………………

Section two: Mastery of Language

  1. Supply punctuation and capitalization where necessary: (02 pts)

arnold schwarzenegger who governs it used to be an actor

  1. Put the verbs between brackets into the right form: (03 pts)

The united states (contain) ………….……. 50 states. California (be) …………… the best known state (have) ……………….. more than 30 million inhabitants.

  1. Classify these words according to their number of syllables: (02 pts)

oregon , state , famous , north.

One syllable

Tow syllables

Three syllables

Part two: Written Expression: (06 pts)

You’ve visited Tipaza. Describe it in a few lines ( 06 to 10 lines )

( location , shape , height, ……..)