اختبار الفصل الثالث في مادة اللغة الانجليزية لسنة الأولى متوسط الموضوع 5

اختبار الفصل الثالث في مادة اللغة الانجليزية لسنة الأولى متوسط الموضوع 5



Class : 1st AM

Text :

Sue lives in Glasgow. She studies at a college of physical education .She has French at 9 o’clock in the morning .In the afternoon, she practises swimming. On week-ends, she meets her friends in the parks.

Exercise n°1:

  • Choose the correct answer 🙁 3 pts)

  1. Sue lives in …………… a) London b) Glasgow c) England.

  1. She has French at ……………. a) 9.15 b) 9.30 c) 9.00

  1. She practises …………… a) cycling b) running c)swimming

    • Find in the text the opposites:( 2 pts )

he =/= morning =/=

Exercise n°2:

  • Who wears what? Match the pairs : ( 4 pts )

  • Tennis woman * gloves

  • Boxer * skirt

  • Swimsuit * Kimono

  • Karatti-man * swimming woman.

Exercise n°3 :

What’s the time? Write in full. (5 pts)

  • 7.15

  • 11.30

  • 10.50

  • 13.00

  • 8.05

Exercise n° 4:

Complete the paragraph using: «Bingo – 2 years – brown – dog – eats- lives >> (6 pts)

My favourite animal is the ……………. . Its name is ……………… . It is …… old.

It has …………. and white fur. It ………… meat. It …………….. in the doghouse

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