موقع شريعة التعليمي

اختبار الفصل الثالث في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 10


اختبار الفصل الثالث في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 10


It was about 9:30 When we left home. All the members of my family were excited to spend a splendid day under the sun in a fantastic Sydney beach. The weather was fine. Just as we arrived I jumped into the water and started swimming along. Bill was digging in the sand and building castles while my younger sister, Cathy was playing with a balloon. Not far from them, father was lying on the sand and reading a novel. Everybody was amusing quietly when suddenly they heard me screaming. As I was swimming far away, a huge angry shark appeared in the water. I was saved by lifeguards extraordinarily!


Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)

A) Answer the questions :

1- Give a title to the text:

2- Where did the family go?:

3- What’s the name of the younger sister?

4- Was the end of the outing happy or tragic ? How ?

B) Write here 2 sentences :

– With 2 long actions :

– With 2 actions ( long and short ):

C) Pick the opposites and the synonyms from the text :

………………….. ≠ ………………….. , ………………….. ≠ …………….

………………….. = ………………….. , ………………….. = ………………….

Section Two: Mastery of language ( 07 pts )

A) Write the verbs in the past :

– Mother ( have ) …………….ice-cream when she fell into a pothole

– As he was reading a novel , the police ( arrive ) …………….. .

– While Kerrie was screaming , all the sunbathers ( look ) ……………. with astonishment .

B) Write these words alphabetically:

– / hju:dʒ / ……………………… – / seivәd / ……………………. – / wail / ……………………….

PART TWO: Integration phase ( written expression ) ( 06 Pts)

Re-write the sentences in the right order:

  1. fetching / Charles / while /was / a chat / Joe / . / water / having / was /

  2. hand / potholes /Bill /. / was /when / hurt / digging /his /he /