موقع شريعة التعليمي

اختبار الفصل الثالث في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 9

اختبار الفصل الثالث في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 9


 My grandmother

My grandmother was eighty years old when I was young child. She was tall and thin. She had small brown eyes. She like telling stories and was famous for her jokes.

All kind of people, young and old, rich and poor, loved her because she always had a pleasant word for everybody. Children came to her for stories and for little presents. They were always happy to be with her.

She liked tea and she had a special way of making and drinking it. She had small decorated glasses. When children asked her for tea, she gave them the little glasses to drink out of.

Children asked her for tea not because they were thirsty but because they like her little coloured glasses.

Part one:

Section one: Reading comprehension : ( 07 Pts )

  1. Read the text carefully then answer the questions: (02 pts)

      1. What did children go to see her for?

      2. What did she like?

  2. Read the text carefully then say: True or False (03 pts)

    1. My grandmother was famous for her tea. ________

    2. Some people loved her. ________

    3. Children always asked her for tea because they like her glasses. ________

  3. 1- Find in the Text the synonyms to the following: (01 pt)

liked = ……………………….. saying = ………………………….

2- Find in the Text the antonyms to the following: (01 pt)

never ≠ ……………………… fat ≠ ………………………

Section two: Mastery of Language

  1. Turn the following sentences into the negative form: (03 pts)

1- My grandmother was an old woman.

2- She gives children her little glasses.

3- She liked telling stories.

  1. Reorder the following word alphabetically: (02 pts)

    1- …………… 2- …………… 3- ……………….. 4- ……………..

    1. Complete the following table: (02 pts)


    Past simple

    Past participle

    • …………………..

    • To give

    • Was

    • ………………….

    • ……………………

    • ……………………

    Part two: Written Expression: (06 pts)

    Write a famous story in about 6 to 10 lines.