موقع شريعة التعليمي

اختبار الفصل الثالث في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 8

اختبار الفصل الثالث في اللغة الا نجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط الموضوع 8


Dinosaurs lived in North America, Africa and Europe millions of years ago. They were the biggest wild animals on the earth. A lot of them live in water.

The first dinosaurs walked on two feet. The later ones were larger and walked on four feet. Some of them fed on meat while others ate plants.

Dinosaurs disappeared from earth 65 million years ago. What made them disappeared? What happened to them? Nobody knows.

Part one:

Section one: Reading comprehension : (07 pts)

  1. Read the text carefully then answer the questions: (03 pts)

      1. How long ago did dinosaurs exist?

      2. Are there any dinosaurs now?

      3. Do all dinosaurs eat the same food?

  2. Read the text carefully then say: True or False (02 pts)

    1. Dinosaurs were very small animals . ________

    2. Some dinosaurs walked on two feet. ________

  3. 1- Find in the Text the synonyms to the following: (01 pt)

many = ……………………….. fed on = ………………………….

2- Find in the Text the antonyms to the following: (01 pt)

domestic ≠ ……………………… the smallest ≠ ………………………

Section two: Mastery of Language

  1. Put the verbs between brackets in the right form: (03 pts)

Today, his mother (to send) ….…him to do some shopping. The shop (to be) ……. very far away Abe (to have) …..to walk all the way there. After several hours he finally (to arrive)……., (to do) ……his shopping. And (to start) ……the long way walk home.

  1. Reorder the following word alphabetically: (02 pts)

    • feet – million – dinosaurs – Europe –

1- …………… 2- …………… 3- ……………….. 4- ……………..

  1. Complete the following table: (02 pts)




  • Large

  • Heavy

  • Beautiful

  • expensive

  • ……………………

  • heavier than

  • ……………………

  • More expensive than

  • the largest

  • …………………………

  • The most beautiful

  • ………………………….

Part two: Written Expression: (06 pts)

In about 6 to 10 lines describe an animal you like very much.