اختبار الفصل الاول في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة 3 متوسط النموذج 4

اختبار الفصل الاول في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة 3 متوسط النموذج 4

The dialogue :                                             The Crossword Puzzle

          Sami  : Is it true that you and John took part in the crossword puzzle contest ?

          Indira : Yes, that’s right.

          Sami  : Was it John’s idea ?

         Indira  : No, it wasn’t. It was mine and we won! We went to Edinburgh last weekend.

         Sami   : Wow! Did you visit interesting places there ?

        Indira  : Sure! We visited the castle, which is in the middle of the city, and we walked

                   through the Royal Mile. We also walked through Princess Street.

          Sami  : So, you enjoyed your stay there. Didn’t you ?

          Indira : Yes, of course! And I hope to go there again some day.

PART ONE: ( 15 pts )

Section One: Reading Comprehension                                                                         ( 07 pts )

A )     Read the text carefully  and answer the following questions.                           ( 05 Pts )

  1. Was the puzzle contest John’s idea ?

  2. What did they visit in Edinburgh ?

  3. Did Indira and John Like this journey ?

  4. Where is the castle ?

  5. What does Indira hope ?

B ) Lexis : 1- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to :                  ( 02 pts )

                 town= ……………..                               wish = ………………….

   2- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to :

             wrong ≠ ………………                next ≠ ………………

Section Two: Mastery of Language                                                                               ( 08 Pts )

A ) Reorder the following words alphabetically.                                                          ( 02 pts )

true – John – castle – street

B ) Put in : ( since – for – ago )                                                                                       ( 03 pts )

  1. We have been in London ………….a week.

  2. John took part in the crossword puzzle contest a month …………..

  3. They have been in Edinburgh ………..last weekend.

C ) Put the verbs between brackets in the present perfect.                                         ( 03 pts )

  1. Jenny ( to clean ) the house.

  2. He ( not to play ) tennis.

  3. We ( to go ) out ?

PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression)                                                 ( 05 Pts )

            Reorder these to get a correct dialogue.

Sami     : Look! He has torn my book. What shall I do, madam ?

Teacher : What has he done ?

Teacher : Well, use a piece of scotch.

Sami     :  I’m angry with Ahmed.

Teacher : What’s the matter, Sami ?

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