موقع شريعة التعليمي

اختبار الفصل الأول في مادة اللغة الانجيزية للسنة الأولى ثانوي الموضوع 3

اختبار الفصل الأول في مادة اللغة الانجيزية للسنة الأولى ثانوي الموضوع 3



Dear friend,

I found your address in a magazine. I want to have an Algerian penfriend; that is why I am writing to you.

My name is Jenny Smith. I am seventeen and I am English. I am a tall thin girl with long fair hair and blue yes. I live with my parents and mmy sister Joan in Liverpool, a big town near the sea. Our house is big. It has a garden round it, like most of the English houses. I go to a comprehensive school. The Subjects I prefer are history and Maths; I am not very good at physics and French. At school, we can practise a lot of sports; twice a week, We go to the swimming pool. I like camping with my friends, but only when it is fine. The other days, I like listening to music, taking photos and playing tennis.

I will send you a photo of my self in my next letter.

I hope I will receive a letter from you very soon.



1. The text is:

a– A enquiry letter

b- A friendly letter

c- An application letter

2. Are these statments true or false? Quote from the text to justify your choice about the false ones.

a) Jenny found the address in a newspaper.

b) Jenny is from England.

c) Jenny like history and maths.

3. Answer the questions according to the text.

a) Is Jenny’s house in liverpool?

b) What are her favourite subjects?

c) How many people live in Jenny’s house? Who are they?

4. find in the text words whose definition are the following:

A. A friend made through letter-writing

B. Living outdoors in a tent while on holiday