موقع شريعة التعليمي

اختبار الفصل الأول في مادة اللغة الانجليزية السنة الثانية متوسط الموضوع 20

اختبار الفصل الأول في مادة اللغة الانجليزية السنة الثانية متوسط الموضوع 20


  106, New Band Street



November 20th, 2006.

Dear friend,

I found your address in a magazine. I want to have an Algerian pen friend. That’s why I am writing to you. My name is Jenny Smith. I am English and I am 15. I am a tall thin girl with long fair hair and blue eyes. I live with my parents and my sister Joan in Liverpool, a big town near the sea. Our house is big. It has a garden behind it like most of English houses. I go to a comprehensive school.

The subjects I prefer are history and maths. I am not very good at physics and French. At school, we can practise different sports twice a week. We go to the swimming pool. In my free time, I like camping with my friends, listening to music, taking photos and playing tennis.

I hope I will receive a letter from you.


Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)

A) Answer these questions ( 03 Pts)

1- Where is Jenny from?

2- How old is she?

3- Does she like history?

B) True or False ( 03 Pts )

1- Jenny’s hair is fair and long. 2- She lives in London. 3- Her family name is Smith.

C) 1- Find in the text words closest in meaning to ( 01 Pt )

city = …………………….. home = ……………………

Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts)

A) Reorder these words alphabetically ( 02 Pts )

new – sister – house – like

B) Change into questions ( 03 Pts )

1- She lives in Liverpool.

2- She will visit Algeria

3- She took photos last month.

C) Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the final “S” ( 02 Pts )

cleans – washes – starts – plays

/ S /

/ Z /

/ IZ /

PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts)

Fill in the gaps

Jenny is ……… pupil in a comprehensive school. She always ……… photos during week-ends. When it is fine, she does ……… stay at home. She goes out ……… her friends. Next year, she ……… visit Algeria ……… Tunisia.


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