اختبار الفصل الأول في مادة اللغة الانجليزية السنة الثانية متوسط الموضوع 4

اختبار الفصل الأول في مادة اللغة الانجليزية السنة الثانية متوسط الموضوع 4

Level :2AM

First English exam


Charles Dickens was born on Friday,7 February at Landport in 1812.His father was a clerk.In 1814 Charles and his family moved to London where he recieved some education.

Dickens wrote 15 major novels and countless short stories and articles.He was the foremost English novelist of the Victorian era.He died in 1870.

Part one :

Reading comprehension ( 7 points )

Read the text and write ‘ true’ or false.Correct the false statements : ( 3 points )

a-Dickens was born at Landport.

b-his father was a teacher

c-He was a good writer

2-Read the text again and answer theses questions : ( 2 points )

a-When was Charles Dickens born ?

b-How long ago did he die ?

2-Lexis ( 2 points )

1-Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following : ( 1 point)

a- changed the place=……. b-a person who writes novels=…….

2-Find in the text words that are oppsite in meaning to the following : ( 1 point )

a-sent #…….. b-long #………..

Part two : Mastery of language : ( 7 points )

  1. Syntax : ( 3 points )

  2. Ask questions on the underlined words :

Charles Dickens wrote novels

2-Supply capital letters and punctuation where necessary : ( 2 points )

mohamed dib was an algerian writer

3– Pronunciation : ( 2 points )

Classify these verbes according to the pronunciation of their final /ed/

Moved – painted- died – composed

/ t /

/ d /

/ id /

Part three : Situation of integration ( 6 points )Complete this dialogue

Aminata :………………………. ?

Sami :I am reading a book about Mohamed Dib

Aminata :……………………… ?

Sami : No ,he is not alive.He died in 2003

Aminata :……………………….. ?

Sami : He wrote many books and novels .

Good luck


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