اختبار الفصل الأول في مادة اللغة الانجليزية لسنة الأولى متوسط الموضوع 7

اختبار الفصل الأول في مادة اللغة الانجليزية لسنة الأولى متوسط الموضوع 7


Second term examination of English level : 1MS

Lynda Smith is Australian and she is 14. She lives in London and She is a pupil at St James School. She has long hair and blue eyes. She has one sister and one brother. Her father is an electrician and her mother is a nurse. She has a dog. His name is Blacky. She loves him very much.

Part one:

Section one: Reading comprehension :

A) Read the text carefully then answer the following questions: (03 pts)

1- Is Lynda a pupil?

2- Where does she live?

3- Has she got short hair?

B) Under the right answer: : (04 pts)

1- Lynda is …………………… – a secretary – a pupil – a student

2- Lynda has ……………………eyes. – blue – green – brown

3- Her mother is a …………………… – nurse – teacher – dressmaker

4- She has a …………………… – a bicycle – a horse – a dog

C) Find the opposites: (01 pts)

short ≠ …………………….. dark ≠ ……………………..

Section two: Mastery of Language

A) Order the following words alphabetically: (02 pts)

painter – architect – father – carpenter


B) Choose the right answer: (02 pts)

Mona is ( a / an ) journalist. She ( is / are ) 25. She ( has / have ) a camera and ( his / her ) brother is an architect.

C) Put in: ( am – is – are ) (02 pts)

1- You ……………………at school.

2- Sally …………………..in London.

3- Ronaldo and Zidane …………………footballer.

4- I ………………a pupil at Ghamra School.

Part two: Written Expression:

Compete the conversation by: (How – from – What – Where – Egyptian) (06 pts)

Sami: …………..is your ……………….?

Sana: My name is Sana.

Sami: …………..old are you?

Sana: I am 13 years old?

Sami: ……………are you ……………….?

Sa: I’m from na Egypt. I am …………………

رجـــــــــــاء : رجاءا من كل الإخوة والأخوات الكرام الذين استفادو من هذه المعلومات وبقليل من الجهد ترك تعليق أو مشاركة الموضوع عبر احدى الأزرار الثلاثة twitter أو facebook أو +google ولكم جزيل الشكر

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الاستاد عبد اللطيف قد قام/(ة) بكتابة 24٬176 درس
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