اختبار الفصل الأول في اللغة الانجليزية للسنة 3 متوسط النموذج 11

اختبار الفصل الأول في اللغة الانجليزية للسنة 3 متوسط النموذج 11


Text: John Wilson

John Wilson is a painter. He likes his job very much. He doesn’t live with his family because he always travels away for a long time. He has a small house in the country where he works. John doesn’t like travelling by plane. He prefers to go by boat or by train. Every year, he visits a new country in Europe: France, England, Germany, etc…

Eating in a restaurant is his favourite hobby. He’s fond of taking photos and paintings. He doesn’t like writing at all.

PART ONE: ( 14 pts )

Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )

A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 03 Pts)

  1. What is John Smith fond of ?

  2. Where does he go every year ?

  3. What is his favourite hobby ?

B ) Choose the best answer. ( 02 pts )

  1. John Smith is a : A- doctor B- photographer C- painter

  2. John prefers travelling A- by boat B- by plane C- on foot

C ) Lexis : 1- Find in the text words that are closest in the meaning to : ( 02 pts )

occupation = …………….. dislike = ………………….

2- Find in the text words that are opposite in the meaning to :

big ……………… short ………………

Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts )

A ) Choose the right word to fill in . ( 02 pts )

  1. John isn’t interested in ….at all. ( write – writing – writes )

  2. May I …you a drink ? ( give – shall – offer )

  3. Shall we go …? ( shopping – drive – paint )

B ) Identify these sentences : ( suggestion – request – offer ) ( 02 pts )

  1. Shall I get you an aspirin ? …

  2. Would you mind turning the radio off . …

  3. Let’s have lunch at Mc Donald’s restaurant. …

C ) Classify these words according to the number of syllables. ( 02 pts )

family – live – by – travelling

1 syllable

2 syllables

3 syllables

PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts )

Complete the following dialogue.

  • John : Why don’t we go for a trip tomorrow ?

  • Mary : ………………………………………

  • John : …………………………………. 8 am.

  • Mary : Sorry, ………………………………..

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