اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثانية متوسط N10

اختبار الفصل الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثانية متوسط N10


Last summer, Lotfi and Amine spent their holidays in Bejaia. It is a very nice town in the northeast of Algeria. They stayed there for three weeks. The weather was fine. Next holidays, they’ll go on guided tour to the Sahara. They’ll have some dates and ride camels. They’ll be very tired because the Sahara is further and hotter than the north. At the end, they’ll be very happy.


Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)

A) Choose the right answer ( 03 Pts)

1- Lotfi and Amine spent their holidays in ……….. a) Batna b) Algiers c) Bejaia

2- The weather was ……………. a) fine b) cold c) hot

3- In the Sahara, they will have some ……………. a) bananas b) dates c) apples

B) What do the underlined words refer to? ( 02 Pts )

1- It is a very nice town. ==> ………… 2- They stayed there for three weeks. ==> ………..

C) 1- Find in the text equivalent to the following words ( 01 Pt )

beautiful = …………………………. excited = …………………………

2- Find in the text opposite to the following words ( 01 Pt )

at the beginning ≠ ……………………….. colder ≠ …………………….

Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts)

A) Write punctuation and capitals where necessary ( 02 Pts )

last year bachir visited annaba

B) Rewrite sentence (B) so that it means the same as sentence (A) ( 03 Pts )

A- Her son drives a school bus.

B- The school bus ……………………………………..

A- Amine writes letters.

B- Letters ………………………………………………

A- Parents take children to the zoo.

B- Children …………………………………………….

C) Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “S” ( 02 Pts )

trains – classes – keeps – cooks

/ S /

/ Z /

/ IZ /




PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts)

Reorder the following sentences into a coherent paragraph using these sequencers

next / first / then / after that / and / finally

1- an envelope is bought

2- a paper is prepared

3- the letter is typed

4- the letter is stamped

5- the address is written

6- the letter is posted

7- how a letter is written

رجـــــــــــاء : رجاءا من كل الإخوة والأخوات الكرام الذين استفادو من هذه المعلومات وبقليل من الجهد ترك تعليق أو مشاركة الموضوع عبر احدى الأزرار الثلاثة twitter أو facebook أو +google ولكم جزيل الشكر

الاستاد عبد اللطيف استاذ علوم طبيعية والحياة يدرس في ثانوية مصطفى الاشرف بباب الزوار بالجزائر العاصمة

الاستاد عبد اللطيف قد قام/(ة) بكتابة 24,176 درس
    نرجو التسجيل في منتدى سؤال و جواب

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